Pacer Service Center
FAQ's or Public Access to Court Electronic Records

The pacer service center provides on-line access to pacer courts, US appellate, pacer federal court, district, and bankruptcy court pacer records and documents nationwide.

Bankruptcy facts, If you're going through a bankruptcy, the PACER service center may come in handy for you. Not sure what PACER is?

Basically it stands for Public Access to Court Electronic Records, and it's a service that gives the users public access to information from various course, including PACER federal court, including District, Appellate, and Bankruptcy courts.

This service is available on the internet and bankruptcy PACER can provide information to those filing bankruptcy or those going through a bankruptcy case.

Here is a look at PACER bankruptcy and some of the most frequently asked questions about the PACER service center.

Pacer Service Center Guide

Can I register at the pacer center?

In order to register for the bankruptcy court PACER service, you simply need to fill out the form online for registration.

This is the easiest and fastest way to go about the registration process. Another option is to call the PACER service center by calling 1-800-676-6756 to get a form for registration. Registering doesn't cost a thing.

What uses are acceptable for the data on PACER?

This service center provides case information electronically from various federal courts, including bankruptcy courts, from across the United States.

All the information that is in this system is public record and it can be reproduced, even without any permission. However, when you use the information, you are assuming responsibility for how you use the information.

How am I billed and what payment methods can be used?

The PACER service will mail out statements on a quarterly basis unless you have billing automatically set up to your credit card.

If you have a balance that is more than $10 for the quarter, you will be charged. However, if your balance is less than the amount of $10, you won't get a statement and you won't have to pay until you have a balance that goes over $10.

There are a variety of ways that you can pay to use bankruptcy PACER. You can pay by credit card, and cards accepted include Discover, American Express, Visa, and MasterCard.

You can also pay with a check that is drawn on a bank in the United States. However, if you sign up for automatic billing, charges will automatically be drawn on your credit card.

What is the cost of using PACER?

There is a user fee that you must pay when you decide to use the service. The system will charge you $0.08 for each page. This applies to the amount of pages that may come up from a search, which includes searches that have no matches - the no match page is considered to be one page.

You will be charged, whether or not you download, view or print these pages. For any single document, new laws have stated that you will only be charged a maximum of $2.40 for the document, even if it has more pages. This caps is applicable to any attachment that is over 30 pages.

Public Access to Court Electronic Records is an electronic public access service that allows users to obtain case and docket information from Federal Appellate, District and Bankruptcy courts, and from the U.S. Party/Case Index via the Internet. The Public Access to Court Electronic Records Service (PACER) is operated by the Administrative Office of the United States Courts.

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