Debt Forgiveness For Student Loans, Ever Wish Your Student Loan Debt Could Be Cancelled?

Debt forgiveness for student loans is a great program for those that qualify. Here is what you need to know to determine if a federal student loan debt program can help you.

There are programs that can forgive part or even all of your student loan debt.

It may take a bit of research and there may be some action required on your part, but it is possible for you to knock out at least part of your student loan debt.

You may have to do some volunteer work, serve in the military, teach in certain communities or practice medicine in specific areas.

There are other criteria that forgiveness programs have, but these are the most common.

Debt Forgiveness for Student Loans Your First Steps!

Volunteer Work

Student loan debt relief can be obtained by doing volunteer work for various organizations. For example, AmeriCorps, Peace Corps and Volunteers in Service to America (VISTA) have programs. Most of these programs offer a percentage of the debt is forgiven for each year of service.

These voluntary organizations can also help with federal student loan debt consolidation and deferment. While this method of debt forgiveness for student loans does require some time and effort on your part, the end result is both rewarding and beneficial in the long run.

Military Service

The Army National Guard has debt forgiveness for loans by students. Eligible students can get as much as $10,000 toward the repayment of their student loans. There are also many tuition assistance programs and scholarship programs offered by the military as well as by veteran's associations.


The programs that offer debt forgiveness for student loans to teachers is probably one of the simpler programs. Teachers who have served (taught) for five consecutive years may be eligible for $5,000 to use toward repaying their Direct Loans or their outstanding FFEL.

Teachers who teach subjects in math or science to students enrolled in special education programs in secondary schools that are in program A may be eligible for loan forgiveness in the amount of $17,500. You can get more information here teacher student loan debt relief.

Law and Medical

There are several opportunities for law and medical students to get their student loans forgiven. If they work in non-profit positions or serve in public interest, they may be eligible.

There are several student loans programs through the National Health Service Corps and the Nursing Education Loan Repayment Program. The NIH Loan Repayment Programs pay a portion of student loans for citizens of the United States who are conducting clinical medical research.

Other Opportunities

The US Department of Agriculture (USDA) has a debt forgiveness program that offers $25,000 a year over a three year period for veterinarians who will commit to working for three years in an area that is experiencing a veterinarian shortage.

The American Physical Therapy Association and the American Occupational Therapy Association offer loan forgiveness programs for new recruits.

Certain law enforcement students, state and local government employees and federal employees may also be eligible for programs that will forgive all or part of their student loan debt.

Other ways that your student loan debt can be forgiven

  1. You file for bankruptcy (this is rare and is usually granted in extenuating circumstances)
  2. You become disabled (must be total and permanent)
  3. Or you die

The most popular and common student loan forgiveness programs are aimed at a select group of college graduates teachers, nurses, and law students that may choose to work in high need areas, such as a low income school, a medically under served health care facility, or as a public interest attorney working with disadvantaged individuals.

Of course, it is always best to pay off your student loans, but if you are diligent and willing to do a little work, you can find debt forgiveness for student loans.

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