Credit card help, avoid bank card debt. They are easy to get but not so easy to manage, especially if you end up with a high, unpaid balance on which interest is accruing, but payments are not being made, you may need help.
When making your decision about a bank card, ask yourself the following:
There are three types of bank cards. Each has its own special use and characteristics.
The advantages to the merchant? No accounts receivable and higher sales because customers can buy on credit. Each issuing bank sets its own policies(fees, criteria, credit limits, interest rates, billings).
T&E cards charge an annual fee of about $50 (to $300 for the prestigious American Express Platinum Card) and also require full payment each month.
Bank cards, on the other hand, encourage installment payments so they can earn interest.
Because there is only one source for each T&E card, they are considerably more difficult to get them bank cards.
Moreover, T&E card companies tolerate late payments less and will quickly revoke credit at the first sign of financial difficulty.
If you're sitting down each month to pay your bills and setting aside a few that you know you'll have to pay late because you just don't have the money, you need help. Don't worry, you're not alone.
Settling Credit Card Debt, Learn How To Get Rid Of Debt:
Debt is a dangerous epidemic. Did you know the average American family has more than $8000.00 in debts? Debt is a rapidly growing problem as companies make it easier and easier for consumers to obtain cards and spend money.
Creditors offer enticing interest rates to join or to transfer balances from an existing creditor or bank card.
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