Christian debt consolidation is the way to get our finances under control. As a Christian learn how to consolidate and eliminate your debts in this world, we are filled with financial obligations and sometimes we get in over our heads.
This indebtedness becomes burdensome and becomes a source of friction in our lives as a christian. Are you ready for debt consolidation?
The first thing you need to do as a Christian is get a handle on your spending. Credit cards are a marvelous thing when you are shopping but they always comes due. So to work your way out of this situation you need to begin buy curtailing your spending habits.
As a Christian may want to consider consolidating your higher interest rate cards to one lower rate card. Many companies offer a very low interest rate for balance transfers. This will allow more of your payment to go directly to your bills, and less to interest amounts.
Make sure that when you do this, you start with the highest rate cards that you have. When you make the payments to the card you transferred all the balances to, make sure that you pay as much as you can, as fast as you can. The interest rates given to balance transfers usually have an expiration date.
If your credit is not to far-gone, meaning collectors are not calling you daily, you might want to consider taking out a home equity line of credit instead of a consolidation loan.
For Christian homeowners that are in considerable debt, this is a very good option. Your bank will use the equity of your home and give you a credit line. When you go to the bank you will need the following information:
Many home equity lines of credit allow you to make the total amount of your bills into a fixed rate loan. As a christian you should definitely do this quickly because equity lines have fluctuating interest rates.
You will get a lot of different advice on how Christian debt consolidation will work for you. Make sure that all the tips and information is biblically sound.
Learning to spend your money correctly also means tithing. Do not cut that part of your expenses out; trust God to fill in the gaps for you. When you were running up these bills, you forgot to trust him first and that is how the problem truly began.
As you begin to see progress, you will also experience how freeing and stress relieving a debt-free life can be.
Complete Christian debt elimination should be your goal. It will take time and commitment on your part to be successful. Remember that being indebtedness makes you a slave to money.
Have you had enough of working hard to make money ... just to find that your paycheck comes in one day and goes out the next to pay your mortgage, your loans, and your bills?
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