Bankruptcy mailing list scams. Are you on a bankruptcy marketing list and if you are how do you get off of it? More than likely you will remain on the bankruptcy filing list for about 3 years.
There is a chance that you can end up on a bankruptcy mailing list if you have had to file in the recent past. You see, whenever you end up going through bankruptcy, you end up on public bankruptcy records, so this becomes information hat is public domain. This then leads to you being put on a filings list.
The reason you end up on a mailing list is because it's required by law that this be a matter of public record. When you enter bankruptcy protection, it is only right that the creditors know that you are in debt and that they get a warning that you are going to have to file.
Bankruptcy Mailing List 101
This means you can't do anything to keep yourself out of the public bankruptcy records. Having to be on this list just is one of those negative things that comes along with having to go through a filing in order to discharge your debt.
If you are constantly receiving junk mail, this is a good sign that you are on a bankruptcy mailing list and people are using you for marketing. There are many companies that purchase your information to try to market things to you after you file.
Since so many companies probably have the details on you, there is really no reason to try to get yourself off their list because you'll only continue to get things from various companies. Basically all you're able to do about this is to just start throwing things away when you get them.
Companies that get involved in marketing and put you on their list usually are interested in you because you have debt and financial issues that need to be taken care of.
Often these companies will try to send you information about credit counseling and various debt management programs and services that are available to you. More than likely you won't want to use any of these offers, because they may not be the most legitimate options out there.
In reality, being on a mailing list isn't that big of a deal and there is no real reason that you need to worry about it.
There is nothing you can do to prevent or to stop all the mail from coming. Just make sure that you don't get caught up in any of the scams that these marketers may try to get you involved in.
The best thing to do is to get rid of it in the trash. If you do decide to check out one of the companies sending you mail, be sure to spend time doing some investigating and research on the company to ensure it is a legitimate company that will help you instead of taking advantage of you while you are in this delicate financial state.
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